We supported the Aggregated flexibility conference – change of the electricity market paradigm

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Sharing expert information and knowledge in our field is a particularly important necessity. We can easily paraphrase the known saying: “Fortune favours the prepared” to a current: “The prepared are not favoured by fortune, but information they can utilise.” It is ideal if when expert information is shared professionally, efficiently and in good company, as it was the case at the recent Virtual discussion expert panel that we have gladly supported.


Where it began

Since 2015 there have been discussions and polemics in Europe on the change of the electricity market paradigm. The processes of change have practically been launched in 2016 by the then Vice-president of the European Commission for the Energy Union, Maroš Šefčovič at the international SET plan – central European Energy Conference in Bratislava: “Each Member State of the EU will develop its own national energy plan that will head towards a common European energy policy.” At the same time he anticipated huge investments primarily in the sector of energy efficiency. 


From visions and polemics to acts

Five years after outlining the vision, it is time to summarise what in particular has happened within the changes of electricity market’s paradigm setting and where the development is heading. The professional team of efocus.sk – digit.sk has organised a virtual expert panel discussion on this topic on the 12th of May with a quality packed agenda. The sales and technical director of Microstep-HDO, Ivan Trup, has also decided to support the expert discussion on a highly topical subject by means of a contribution. His presentation Prerequisites for the use of aggregated flexibility on the market has introduced the entire expert panel.

When analysing the preparedness of the market for flexible trading Ivan Trup has also pointed out the differences of prerequisites related to the introduction of flexibility and the current state. He answered the question: What will help accelerate the development of flexibility? as follows:

First of all it is important to direct the interest of electricity traders to new types of products and at the same time open an expert discussion on the regulation rate of the market. I think that it is also necessary to define boundaries in order to maintain the operation safety of distribution systems and support the arrival of new technology that increase the value of flexibility which is probably an issue for public administration and provisioning mechanisms. They are mainly represented by trade tariffs, accumulation, smart homes and e-mobility. I personally consider the decision related to the introduction of flexibility to be currently crucial in order to stop the polemics and clearly define terms and individual steps together with the development of methodology to calculate compensations of impact to the parties affected. In addition, it is also crucial to anchor flexibility and the aggregator within the legislation in a complex manner which we can actually consider to be the most important element together with a detailed elaboration of the functioning of rules for an independent aggregator,” emphasised Ivan Trup. 

According to Ivan Trup it is no secret that flexibility already functions in Slovakia to a certain extent as well. One of the solutions is Microstep-HDO’s XENERGIE product line whose core is built on data storage that enables the performance of calculations above millions of time series data in real time. XENERGIE therefore creates the core of the infrastructure for an aggregator and can distribute dynamic tariffs through open and safe protocols to end customers. XENERGIE features an aggregator’s key system function – a profile that assesses behaviour of consumption points.


Exemplary and contributing conference

The expert virtual panel Aggregated flexibility – change of the electricity market paradigm was hosted by Blahoslav Němeček the partner of the EY consulting team for clients from the energy sector in the region of Central and South-east Europe. After the presentation of the Microstep-HDO’s sales and technical director, Ivan Trup the director of the energy and industry department of IPESOFT Tomáš Rajčan spoke about flexibility for an aggregator controlled portfolio. The director of the regulation department at the Energy distributor for Slovakia Vladislav Jurík prepared a presentation entitled What flexibility means for the operator of a distribution system.

Richard Kabele , an independent consultant has also participated in the virtual expert panel with the comparison of aggregation from the perspective of TSO codes in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Experience from the DFLEX project and the potential of aggregated flexibility in Slovakia was presented by the director of Nano Energies Slovakia, Ján Mišovič. The organisers of the expert virtual panel provided a very generous floor for questions after the presentations to everyone who participated in the virtual conference for free.

Sources: digit.sk / Microstep-HDO / Euractiv




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